Apr 6, 2022FREE PDF DOWNLOAD- HOW TO GET A TATTOO APPRENTICESHIPHow to get a tattoo apprenticeship. Free ebook.
Oct 27, 2019Guest spotsIm looking for places to guest spot! 2020 is gunna be lit and I want to travel as much as possible. I would love to see old friends and...
Oct 20, 2019What is a tattoo deposit for?Why do you leave a tattoo deposit? Clients sometimes are confused about why they would need to leave a deposit for a tattoo. Or even what...
Oct 13, 2019Switching up tattoo stylesShould you keep your tattoo style? I honestly don't really feel like I have a "style" I do however have a certain way that I draw...
Oct 6, 2019Things tattooers can sell besides tattoosTattooers can sell all kinds of cool stuff to clients and potential clients. Sometimes we forget that theres more than just tattoo work....
Sep 22, 2019The easiest steps to becoming the best tattoo client in the world.Have you ever wondered how you can become the best tattoo client? To have your tattoo artist stoked about your upcoming appointment and...
Sep 8, 2019My favorite Apps to use for tattooingI'll be honest. It was a hard switch for me. From traditional drawing on paper with colored pencils, microns and sharpies to digital...
Jun 3, 2019Cruelty free and vegan tattoos, microblading and cosmetic tattooing in Las Vegas!After a long thought out and meticulous process, I have finally transitioned my tattooing to 100% cruelty free and also offer a...